Are Forfeits a Problem for High School Wrestling?

Forfeit Percentage by Weight -- Dual Meet, JV and Varsity
Forfeit Percentage by Weight -- Dual Meet, JV and Varsity

We looked at 116 dual meets, JV and Varsity, from schools across the country and discovered an alarming rate of forfeits -- 18% of all matches!  Examining the impact at each weight class, we found the following: The problem is clearer when looking at groups of adjacent weight classes:

Forfeit Percentage by Weight Class Group -- Dual Meets, JV and Varsity
Forfeit Percentage by Weight Class Group -- Dual Meets, JV and Varsity

If this data is representative of high wrestling-at-large, then we seem to have a challenge attracting light and heavy weight wrestlers.  Perhaps the NFHS weight classes are misaligned with the underlying student demographic. Other explanations are possible.  In any case, the forfeit rate seems undesirable in the context of making wrestling a more fan-friendly sport.

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