Managers and Scorers: Five Opportunities You're Missing in Takedown

Takedown LIVE

Register, turn it on and leave it on. It's free and requires no additional effort. It's the only real-time, score-by-score mobile scoreboard app for wrestling. Why would you not want your team's results on the equivalent of ESPN Scoreboard for wrestling? Tell your fans to download Takedown LIVE.  Over 125 teams are currently available on Takedown LIVE.

Twitter Live Score Posting

Add your team Twitter account to Takedown. Turn it on and leave it on. Match results and dual scores posted automatically. It's free and requires no additional effort. Twitter is the leading social platform for short-form, as-it-happens sports results and Takedown is the #1 publisher of wrestling results on Twitter.

Equipment Tracking

For most teams, keeping track of loaned equipment is a records-intensive, manual nightmare. Takedown can track who has what, when it was loaned out and when it was returned. If you have an unlimited budget and like seeing your equipment inventory slowly and inexplicably dwindle, don't use this feature. For the rest of us, this is simply an easy way to save your scarce budget dollars.

Staff Contact Information

Not only can you add your staff contact information to Takedown, you can also send emails and text messages to these contacts from within the app.  Name, role in program, email address, phone number can all be added.  This information can be copied from Season to Season. Add it once and you're done. Stay in the app and communicate. Stop looking around for email addresses and phone numbers. It's in the app in Contacts!


If you're spending time crafting an event schedule in your favorite spreadsheet or word processor, you can stop. Takedown already has it in a shareable format that is instantly updated with results. Need a box score for the local paper? A roster? Leader board for practice room bulletin board? All there. Generate the report, tap the sharing icon in the upper right corner and you're done.


Get better at marketing your team, saving time and $. Use these tools.


Takedown Scoring and Stats is the leading mobile app for college and scholastic wrestling teams. Save time and effort by digitizing your team's critical information.