Version 2.13.3

Takedown Scoring and Stats release 2.13.3 is available for download from the App Store. This release is highly recommended for all users and includes changes and improvements as follows:

  • Bug fixes, internal improvements

  • YouTube-mandated changes to video uploads and privacy policy acceptance

  • Feature retirement: Scoring Graphics

Bug Fixes, Internal Improvements

This release fixes a serious bug that caused video previously uploaded to YouTube to disappear from the Mange Video list. If you are using Takedown’s video feature for uploading to YouTube, it is critical that you install this update before accessing the Manage Video portion of the app.

In addition, we improved our bug diagnostic capability by migrating to a better technology.

YouTube Changes

As a YouTube Developer, we are obligated to implement our YouTube-related features in accordance with certain Google and YouTube terms and conditions, policies and technical limitations. As such, we have made these changes in Takedown:

  • In order to use Takedown’s YouTube features, the user must explicitly accept our Privacy Policy.

  • Automatically created wrestler and event YouTube playlists are no longer available. YouTube does not allow for automatically created playlists at the scale required by our user community. We have tried to work around this limitation without success. YouTube is aware of the issue and we will revisit should YouTube change its policy. Users can still manually create and organize wrestler or event playlists on the YouTube platform.

  • Automatically created YouTube channel sections for each Takedown Season is no longer available. Users can still manually create YouTube channel sections.

  • For each video uploaded to YouTube, the user can optionally specify the video title, video description and privacy setting.

So Long Scoring Graphics

A few years ago we introduced auto-generated, network-delivered, high quality scoring graphics in support of dedicated, stand-alone video production systems. An advanced feature requiring in-depth video production and networking expertise, the Scoring Graphics feature was under-utilized by our users and, at the same time, required significant ongoing engineering investment. We decided to invest in our engineering resources in other capabilities that would be more valuable to our users.

Takedown Scoring and Stats is the leading mobile app for college and scholastic wrestling teams. Save time and effort by digitizing your team's critical information.