Version 3.2.4

The newest version of Takedown Scoring and Stats is 3.2.4. Bug fixes and two new helpful features.

Recommended download for all users.

Swap Scoring

Sometimes in a tournament, a Takedown operator will inadvertently enter scoring activity for the wrong wrestler, especially if they haven’t assigned the correct color for the wrestlers.

Now there’s an easy fix for this error! The scoring for the match can be swapped like this:

Access this feature via Event>>Matches>select match>>Edit.

Auto Rewind

Sometimes scorers don’t tap a scoring action coincident with the referee signal. They might be distracted or engaged watching the match. Or, it might just be how they roll.

During video review in Takedown, Auto Rewind compensates for this delay by allowing the user to select the the number of seconds to rewind prior to the scoring action. This is a persistent setting — it will remain at the value you choose until changed. The default value is five seconds.

Auto-Rewind is available in any Takedown video review.

Takedown Scoring and Stats is the leading mobile app for college and scholastic wrestling teams. Save time and effort by digitizing your team's critical information.