Major Release: Takedown Scoring and Stats 3.0

Takedown Scoring and Stats release 3.0 is available in the App Store this week. After following this guidance, all users should download this version. Takedown 3.0 requires iOS 12 or higher.

Automatic Data Synchronization

Takedown 3.0 offers an impressive set of new features including automatic data synchronization between multiple iPads. This means that when a team’s iPads are connected to the Internet, all users will see the same data. This new capability replaces the Share Season export/import feature in Takedown version 2.

Associated with this exciting capability, Takedown 3.0 implements a new account creation and login feature. If you’ve previously registered for Takedown LIVE, you can use that email/password combination to login to Takedown. If not, you’ll be prompted to create an account when Takedown 3.0 first launches. Your Takedown login credentials should be securely retained.

Once you’ve logged in and your data has been uploaded to the cloud, any user with your account credentials can log into Takedown on any other compatible iPad. This means, for example, that anyone with an iPad — a parent, for example — can be enlisted to score matches and record video.

It also means that you should exercise caution in giving out your credentials as any mistakes — accidental deletions, for instance — are irreversibly propagated to all iPads.

Takedown still retains its ability to work off-line without an Internet connection.

Flexible Subscription Sharing

Takedown 3.0 greatly improves subscription sharing by allowing any Takedown installation logged in with your Takedown account credentials to use your scoring and video recording subscriptions. Previously, subscriptions were available only on iPads registered to the Apple ID of the original subscription purchaser. This requirement is eliminated with Takedown 3.0.

Unknown Wrestler

The unidentified wrestler problem is elegantly handled in Takedown 3.0 by offering “Unknown Wrestler” as an opponent selection. This capability replaces the current practice of creating “Unknown Team” entries in the Opponent Team list and “Unknown Wrestler” in an Opponent Team roster. Once the wrestler identity is established, you can edit the committed match to change “Unknown Wrestler” to the identified opponent’s team and name.

Practice Attendance

New in Takedown 3.0, this feature captures practice attendance status for each rostered wrestler. Attendance status choices are Present, Absent or Late decorated with Excused or Unexcused. The new Practice Attendance report presents all of this data in an easily digestible format.

Practice weigh in/out is moved to the new Practice Attendance interface which has the dual benefit of simplifying the weight recording workflow and presenting all weight data for a single practice in one view.

More Improvements

  • Single tap Roster and Opponent Team refresh from our online database

  • Tie-breaker detail and winner calculation by criterion

  • Improved Contact management

  • Customizable Equipment list

  • Linking of existing YouTube video to re-scored match

These are all significant improvements to Takedown, especially the data auto-synchronization feature. We look forward to hearing from you about your experience using these new features in the upcoming season.

Takedown Scoring and Stats is the leading mobile app for college and scholastic wrestling teams. Save time and effort by digitizing your team's critical information.