The Chart for Every Practice Room Wall

How important are takedowns?

We looked at over 2,000 matches for 63 wrestlers from six high school programs spread across the country and found that scoring more takedowns than your opponent is

Takedown Scoring and Stats is the leading mobile app for college and scholastic wrestling teams. Save time and effort by digitizing your team's critical information.

What Does the Data Say About Short-Time Scoring?

To gauge the relevance of short-time scoring as a predictor of victory, we gathered data from 7,355 matches wrestled by 181 athletes at 13 high schools, all users of Takedown Scoring and Stats.

We filtered the data as follows:

  • Included varsity competition only

  • Included wrestlers with greater than 20 periods of short-time scoring data

  • Excluded exhibitions and forfeits from win-loss record

From this sample, we found the following:

  1. With a negative Short-Time Scoring Average Point Advantage the probability of having a winning season is 41%.

  2. With a zero or positive Average Point Advantage the probability of having a winning season is 82%.

This chart shows win percentage as a function of Average Point Advantage for this sample (each dot is a wrestler):

Stats: Short Time Scoring vs. Winning Percentage

And, while the relevance of short-time scoring is hard to deny, we wondered if improved short-time scoring performance — a positive and increasing Average Point Advantage — is simply a matter of experience. That is, does advantage increase as a function of cumulative match experience?

Surprisingly, in this sample, the answer is no. There’s no meaningful correlation between experience (measured in matches) and short-time scoring performance.

Short-Time Scoring v. Matches Wrestled

So, we know (at least in this sample) that short-time scoring proficiency can increase one’s chances of having a winning season. It also appears that short-time scoring performance doesn’t naturally improve with experience. Maybe scoring in short-time is a skill (or perhaps a mindset) requiring focus and practice.

Something to think about for coaches wanting to help wrestlers get to the next level.

If you’re interested in tracking short-time scoring performance, check out Takedown Scoring and Stats.

Takedown Scoring and Stats is the leading mobile app for college and scholastic wrestling teams. Save time and effort by digitizing your team's critical information.

A Word On Email Addresses and Contacts

Credentialing is the price we pay for online privacy.

Takedown is no different — every account needs a secure identity comprised of an email address and password.

If you want to ease credentialing headaches, here are a few tips.

Get a Team-Focused Email Address

The challenge with using a personal email address for logging in to Takedown (or YouTube) is that people — parents, coaches — move on, email addresses get deleted or the email owner becomes unreachable.

Get a team-focused Gmail address and use this address for logging in to Takedown and for uploading video. Gmail addresses are free and each one is automatically associated with a YouTube account.

Five Places to Use One Email Address

Make your life easier by using the same team-focused email address for these five items:

  1. Takedown login credentials

  2. Creating an Apple ID for purchasing Takedown subscriptions

  3. YouTube uploads

  4. Configuring Apple mail app

  5. Creating an X(formerly Twitter) account and any other social media account

Takedown Primary Contact

In Takedown’s Contact manager, tag any entry as a ‘Primary Contact.’ This contact will receive all emails from us. Contacts not tagged as “Primary” will receive very few emails from us.

Your Takedown login email address is automatically tagged in our database as a “Primary Contact.” You do not need to add your log in email to the Takedown Contact manager.

Takedown Scoring and Stats is the leading mobile app for college and scholastic wrestling teams. Save time and effort by digitizing your team's critical information.